Safeguarding Policy

Domestic Abuse Policy Statement

It is the policy of Jonathan’s House Ministries to encourage all:

  • to raise awareness about domestic abuse and its impact on individuals, children, the wider family and community
  • to ensure that teaching and worship reflect awareness of gender justice, use appropriate language and say clearly that domestic abuse is wrong and must be condemned and affirm the stance that all human relationships are to be cherished.
  • to ensure that the safety of individuals suffering abuse or seeking help is the first priority and to be aware of the need for confidentiality within the bounds of good safeguarding practice […]
  • to consider how best to provide support and information for anyone seeking help.
  • to encourage discussion of how the Church might ensure that those who feel marginalised are made welcome.
  • to inform discussion on implementing the good practice guidelines and the underpinning of theology and principles.


Responding well

All forms of domestic abuse are intrinsically damaging and the safety of all involved must be paramount. Those responding to reports of domestic abuse should ensure that they identify whether any of the following circumstances apply:

  • the victim is an adult who lacks capacity.
  • the victim is dependent upon their partner for care.

Procedures relating to children and adults in the previous section should be followed in all cases. The following actions should be taken where domestic abuse is suspected:

  • If you suspect someone is experiencing domestic abuse but they have not said anything to you, do not be afraid to ask, but ask gentle, non-direct questions, such as “How are things at home?”
  • Reassure the person that it is not their fault. · Consider their safety and yours as well as that of colleagues and if possible, prepare a plan of action to protect anyone disclosing abuse […].
  • Do not investigate.
  • Do not confront the alleged perpetrator.
  • […] Treat all conversations as confidential within the bounds of safeguarding. Seek consent to share information if you wish to discuss it with someone else, unless a child or vulnerable adult is at risk.
  • […] Focus on the safety of the victim (and children, if any are involved).
  • Provide information on resources/services available to them.
  • Do not advise on a course of action but encourage them to explore options.
  • Record the information and retain it securely. · Take advice from a local authority prior to sending a privacy notice to anyone other than the party reporting the issues to ensure that the safety of the survivor, any children or other parties will not be compromised.


Jonathan’s House Ministry is a man only organisation. It is independent of the criminal justice system, statutory agencies and other private companies. It is men’s safe house and refuge providing a range of free, confidential and non-judgemental specialist support services for men and their children who have been affected by any form of domestic abuse and/or sexual violence at any time in their lives. Our vision is: To end the violence towards men and Children. Our mission is to: Provide free, confidential and non-judgemental specialist services to victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Jonathan’s House Ministries believes that safeguarding is everybody’s business, with all staff, volunteers and Directors playing a part in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse or inappropriate conduct. Jonathan’s House Ministries has contact with individuals face-to-face within its offices and houses and within group sessions at external venues; by telephone, emails, post and social media Purpose – Safeguarding is important to us, and we take it seriously The purpose of this document is to set out the Safeguarding Policy of Jonathan’s House Ministries and to demonstrate the commitment of Jonathan’s House Ministries to safeguarding adults and to ensure that everyone involved in Jonathan’s House Ministries is aware of:

  • The legislation, policy and procedures for safeguarding adults.
  • Their role and responsibility for safeguarding adults.
  • What to do or who to speak to if they have a concern relating to the welfare or wellbeing of an adult within the organisation.
  • Staff, Volunteers, Directors and CEO appointment procedure and Code of Conduct.
  • How allegations raised regarding Staff, Volunteer or Director impropriety or harassment are dealt with. •

How the organisation will address its duty of care towards Staff, Volunteers and Directors.

Jonathan’s House Ministries will meet the requirements of the Safeguarding Adults Board Inter-agency policy and underpinning legislation. The inter-agency Policy and Procedures are based on the following general principles that all adults have a right; upon which Jonathan’s House Ministries is fully committed:

  • To live life free from fear, violence, harassment, humiliation, degradation, abuse and neglect.
  • To be safeguarded from harm and exploitation
  • To be protected from mistreatment and abuse
  • To live an independent lifestyle and to make choices and have control over their care and support, even if some of those choices involve a degree of risk Jonathan’s House Ministries will safeguard adults by ensuring that our services and activities are delivered in a way which keeps all service users, staff, volunteers and Directors safe. This extends to recognising and reporting harm experienced anywhere, including within our activities, within other organised community or voluntary activities, in the community, in the person’s own home and in any care setting. Jonathan’s House Ministries recognises the vital and sometimes difficult role that staff and volunteers take in managing responses to its service users lives. We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment and an open, listening culture where people feel able to share concerns without fear of retribution. Jonathan’s House Ministries is committed to the promotion of equality of opportunity. All Jonathan’s House Ministries  Policies and Procedures have implicit in them a determination to challenge discrimination and promote positive action to achieve equality of opportunity. Actions taken by Jonathan’s House Ministries will be consistent with the principles of adult safeguarding ensuring that any action taken is prompt, proportionate and that it includes and respects the voice of the adult concerned. Jonathan’s House Ministries will co-operate with local PREVENT co-ordinators to work with The Prevent strategy,(published by the Government in 2011. The aim of the Prevent strategy is to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Online awareness training is available to all staff.

The Operations Manager is responsible for implementing measures for recording concerns generated within the meaning of this policy and for monitoring the effectiveness of this policy. This policy and its associated protocols will be reviewed by the Management Team annually and following any significant incident. The Safeguarding Lead is the CEO Jody Goldsworthy; Email: Tel: 07309039602

Legislation and regulation that underpins this, Policy.

  • Human Rights Act 1998
  • Children Act 1989/ Children Act 2004/ Protection of Children Act 1999/ Children and Families Act 2014/ Children and Social Work Act 2017
  • Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005
  • Care Act 2014
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
  • Equality Act 2010
  • Protection of Freedoms Act 2012.
  • Modern Slavery Act 2015
  • Data Protection Act 2018
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679

4 Definitions Abuse includes but is not limited to:-

  • Physical Assault
  • Sexual Offences
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Organisational Abuse
  • Psychological Abuse
  • Coercive control
  • False Imprisonment
  • Male Genital Mutilation
  • Financial or Material
  • Self-neglect • Harassment
  • Neglect and Acts of Omission
  • Modern Slavery and Human exploitation
  • Hate Crime (any criminal offence committed against a person or property that is motivated by an offender hatred including: v Race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality, national origins v Religion v Gender or gender identity v Sexual orientation v Disability Allegations are inclusive of complaints, concerns generated by colleagues or grievances.

At Risk: An adult at risk of abuse or neglect is defined as anyone over the age of 18 who has needs for care and support, who is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect and as a result of their care needs – is unable to protect themselves. Child relates to any individual aged under 18 years of age. Conduct relates to how individuals behave in face-to-face sessions, on the phone, in meetings, group therapy sessions, and on visits to service users. Protocols are the official procedure or system of rules governing how something is done.

Vulnerable Adults

Adults with additional needs are defined as anyone over the age of 18 who:

  • requires care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of these needs), and.
  • is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse and neglect.
  • as a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of, abuse or neglect.

5 Roles and Responsibilities Board of Directors

The Board of Directors will maintain ultimate accountability for the implementation of this policy, although specific responsibility will be delegated to the CEO who is the Safeguarding Lead. Policy Owner: CEO

  • Consultation and Communication with board members
  • Interagency / partnership working
  • Support plans, Risk assessment, Strategic Representation, Operational Representation, Awareness raising campaigns.

Safeguarding Lead: CEO Jody Goldsworthy

  • Responsible for all staff, volunteers and trustees having access to this Policy
  • Responsible for the removal of old versions of this policy and for the production of correctly dated replacements.
  • Responsible for cascading new versions of this policy to all staff, volunteers and Directors.
  • Responsible for ensuring all staff, volunteers and Directors know what to do or who to speak to if they have a concern relating to the welfare or wellbeing of an adult within the organisation.
  • Responsible for all staff, volunteers and Directors having access to Jonathan’s House Ministries Code of Conduct/Equal Opportunities Policy/Lone Working Policy and for signing the Confidentiality Agreement.
  • Responsible for all staff, volunteers and Directors know how allegations raised regarding Staff, Volunteer or Directors impropriety or harassment are dealt with.
  • Responsible for advising all staff, volunteers and Directors on how the organisation will address its Duty of Care towards Staff, Volunteers and Directors.

Also Responsible for:- ensuring this Policy is reviewed in a timely manner and legislation relating to Safeguarding is observed All Staff and Volunteers

  • Be aware of and adhere to relevant Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults policies and procedures
  • Ensuring staff, volunteers and student placements receive an induction and appropriate training to their role and in line with national standards
  • Be aware of the different types of abuse and possible indicators.
  • Ensuring staff have access to timely and consistent legal advice and support.
  • To be aware of the importance of not allowing their own ethical or moral beliefs to intrude into their professional practice, and of not imposing their own values and standards onto their service users or colleagues and that staff act in accordance with the adults wishes, balanced with their judgment of their mental capacity, their best interests and a duty of care to others.
  • Ensuring that they share information within legal and ethical constraints for the purpose of safeguarding vulnerable adults, responding to concerns and allegations in a timely, considered and proportionate manner.
  • All staff are aware that any safeguarding decisions should take account of the ability to give informed consent and comply with the Mental Capacity Act 2005

Staff Conduct The CEO, Board of Directors,

Staff and Volunteers must abide by Jonathan’s House Ministries Code of Conduct and a Confidentiality Agreement must be signed on commencement of employment. Jonathan’s House Ministries is committed to a policy of equal opportunities and its intention is to fully comply in all aspects of appropriate and current legislation. This policy will apply in respect of recruitment and selection procedures, career development, promotion, training, payment practices, and all other terms and conditions of employment. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of each member of staff, volunteers and Board of Directors to pursue non-discriminatory policies and practices through behaviour language, attitude and actions so that no discriminatory practices occur. Allegations Any complaints received from service users about a Staff or Volunteers member will be dealt with through Jonathan’s House Ministries Complaints Procedure.

Service users are made aware of Jonathan’s House Ministries safeguarding procedures regarding allegations via induction interviews and with clear, simply worded notices in our offices and houses. Jonathan’s House Ministries recognises that Staff and Volunteers require a safe and respectful workplace in which to work. Any concerns expressed by a staff member or volunteer regarding unfair or inappropriate treatment are taken seriously and as required investigated by their House Pastor.

Duty of care Jonathan’s House Ministries aims to deliver on its mission to “Provide free, confidential and non-judgemental specialist services to victims of domestic abuse”. We recognise that while we need to make decisions to facilitate appropriate allocation of services that we should try in all that we do, to avoid being judgmental. Sometimes Staff and Volunteers will need to decide if an adult appears to represent a cause for concern and in need of “safeguarding”.

Jonathan’s House Ministries recognises that all our service users have a right to confidentiality except in particular circumstances where its maintenance could negatively impact the need to obtain assistance. In the interests of offering service users as much reassurance as possible, Jonathan’s House Ministries uses safe recruitment practices and continually assesses the suitability of volunteers and staff to prevent the employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals in this organisation. Staff and Volunteers who may from time-to-time visit service users will be required to undertake a relevant DBS check. Where DBS checks are required, these will be coordinated confidentially by the Admin Manager, Julia Goldsworthy.

Jonathan’s House Ministries will cooperate with the Police and the relevant Local Authorities in taking action to safeguard an adult. Support for Staff Jonathan’s House Ministries recognises that where Staff and Volunteers are dealing with vulnerable individuals describing difficult life circumstances, that Staff and Volunteers may need assistance or support. Staff and Volunteers who listen to service users will receive training that is agreed in dialogue, as necessary with the CEO and Senior Counsellor. Staff and Volunteers dealing directly with service users will be given an opportunity to explore the impact of the work on them via 1:1 meeting with their House Pastor.